What are Your Legal Rights in Determining Paternity?

Arizona paternity laws do not require either parent to establish paternity, but in the interest of a child’s overall well-being establishing who the father is highly encouraged.  The State’s paternity laws are intended to provide predictability and stability. For instance, there is a presumption that when a married couple has a child, the husband is…

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Divorce Mediation Vs Litigation – Which Should You Go With?

Few life events are as emotional and challenging as separation and divorce. Arizona’s divorce and custody laws recognize that couples and families are better served when emotions are less charged and have developed a framework to support Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) to avoid protracted litigation. The attorneys at Lawrence & Jecmen, PLLC, strongly endorse ADR…

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The Ultimate Guide to Child Custody in Arizona

child custody, child custody arizona

Child custody is a key question parents must settle before an Arizona court will allow them to legally separate or grant a divorce. Ideally, both partners agree that their children’s well-being is paramount and are able to calmly communicate with one another about this. Arizona updated its laws addressing custody in 2013. The major impacts…

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Can a Trial Separation Save Your Marriage?

trial seperation

It’s a question many married couples with marital problems wonder: will a trial separation work and give them time to assess their marriage and possibly save it? Historically and statistically, the answer is no. During the 2010s, up to 80% of separated couples ended up divorcing. However, divorce rates are actually falling, and people aren’t…

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Divorce Advice for Men

divorce advice for men

Ending a marriage is a major life event that can undo even the strongest of men. Regardless of gender or which partner initiated the separation, divorce is challenging and takes most people some time to recover from and rebuild their lives. Post-divorce, both men and women have a hard time adapting to a new life,…

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